Cracking the Eggs!

I am embarking on a new adventure as I dedicate this next year to discovering what makes YOU happy in your everyday life. Through the use of weekly discussions, blogging, and interviews, I am hopeful that I will learn how, when, and why you experience happiness. I want this to be an environment of sharing, learning, and growth as we discover how to be happier people not only for the benefit of ourselves, but for our families, friends, and communities. I am so excited to hear your responses to the weekly questions and I will also be sharing my “journey to joy” as the year progresses in hopes that we can all learn from each other. But I can’t do this alone! I am counting on you to share your wisdom, experiences, and thoughts so that we may have a greater understanding of how to be happier people.
I emphasize the importance of your participation because I think the "self help" industry needs a bit of a shake up! So many motivational speakers tell you what you need to be successful- on their terms and based on their personal experiences. While I think their messages are valuable, they often share just one story: their own. I believe that we can learn so much more from each other if we instead make a collective effort to share our successes, failures, and life lessons. I am only one person. But together, we can discover an infinite amount of wisdom, inspiration, and joy.
So as we begin this journey together there are just three rules:
  1. Be honest and open.
  2. Take the time.
  3. Be ready to be happy!
 Please know that this is a safe environment where anything you would like to share is respected and appreciated. If you would like to leave a private message, feel free to contact me at
 May we take pride in our lives, realize the power of our dreams, and celebrate happiness today and everyday!
The Sunny Girl

Week 1: My Sunny Side