The Get Inspired! Project

The Sunny Situation--Listen to the Sunny Girl Interview:
This week I am so excited to be a part of the Get Inspired! Project. I spoke with Toni Reece about what inspires me and who I hope to inspire. I find both to be very interesting and challenging questions that I think many of us, including myself, don't always take time to consider.
What inspires me? I'm not sure I could answer this a couple months ago with such clarity. Sometimes the little moments of inspiration can pass by so quickly that unless we are particularly observant, we miss it.  That is why the 5 Daily Gratitudes have enriched my life so much. Now I notice a particularly beautiful group of flowers on the side of the road or the butterfly that floats outside my window. My life is so much richer now; in color, in size, and in setting. My senses are alive with all that this world has to offer; I just had to look a little harder and try to remember even more. That is what has inspired me.
And as for the question of who I hope to inspire? I humbly say that I would like to especially inspire my peers. This is an even more difficult question to answer because as a teen, the last thing I want to do is preach to my peers about what they should do with their lives. And while I realize that many teens are quite happy already, I've learned that hardly anyone scores themselves as a "10" on the happiness scale. It is my hope that I can help  my peers  notice and appreciate their happiness even more so that this score of  "10" is attainable. Studies have shown that happiness is habitual and I want to offer tips, research, and experiences so that happiness becomes a lifestyle rather than a fleeting emotion. 
I invite you to listen to my interview with Toni to find out what I think about how teens are perceived, the connection gap, and how happy teens really are.

Sunny Star: Amy Croson


The Sunny Set: #133