Weather Report: Week 5

Another great week has gone by and I hope the sun has been shining during your summer (and not just in the sky!) This week was very exciting here at The Sunny Side Up! and I’m so happy to report that I completed Sunny Set #77, which was to make delicious crème brulee. My best friend, Lauren, came over and just like always, we were up to no good in the kitchen. As I predicted earlier this week (which you can read here), I goofed the recipe. Long story short, the recipe called for egg yolks, not egg whites. Nevertheless, once we starting using the egg yolks (three wasted eggs later), I have to say our crème creation was a complete success—there were a lot of high fives going round in the kitchen. It was such an impressive feat, especially for me, Lauren Cook, who is sadly anything but a “Cook.” Lauren and I sat to enjoy our work and I’m proud to say that we fully accomplished the goal because, indeed, it was delicious.
So what else happened this week at The Sunny Side Up?
  • I spoke at T.O.T.A.L. and Oceanview Toastmasters clubs where I shared with over 40 people about how happy teens really are, what some of the misconceptions of teens are, and how we can be more thankful using The 5 Daily Gratitudes. I am so thankful for the five evaluations I received to help me improve and I met so many amazing people because of these experiences.
  • The official business cards are in the mail; you better believe that they are as sunny as possible!
  • I am working on trademarks for the Sunny Side Up!
I would especially like to thank this week’s Sunny Star, Scott Morrison, for sharing such a compelling story. My blog tripled in hits the day I posted his story; I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks Scott’s story needs to be read and shared.
Next week at The Sunny Side Up:
  • I will be continuing the interview portion of my research and I will be completing the outlines for the book. On that note, you are more than welcome to still be a part of my study. If you would like to participate, please email me at:
  • I will be leading a discussion on happiness at Toastmasters where I will be asking a group of adults about what makes them happy, how they perceive teenagers, and what made them happy when they were young.
  • Let the writing begin! I will be creating my writing schedule and I will officially begin writing the book. This is a very daunting task but I am so eager to finally start!
I hope you had a sunny week! In this next week, I encourage you to go outside and enjoy some actual sun in these late days of summer. As the Sunny Girl I always say, “May we take pride in our lives, realize the power of our dreams, and celebrate happiness today and everyday!”
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

3 a.m. Book Review


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