Weather Report: Week 6

This past week was especially sunny because we had our annual family vacation at the beach house. I always love the tradition of it all; the Sara Lee coffee cake, the long walks along the coastline, and the one-match fires that only my dad can create. To see some pictures and stories of years past you can go here. Unfortunately I did not complete Sunny Set #78 this week, which was to go skinny-dipping in the ocean. It was just a little too nipply—I mean nippy!
So what happened this week at The Sunny Side Up?
  • The business cards have arrived and I am ecstatic about how they turned out! I carry about 50 with me everywhere I go; I even gave one to my ultrasound technician today!
  • I have officially begun writing the book. I started with Goal Setting because I am particularly passionate about this topic.
  • I have had some personal health issues this week but I’ve tried very hard to keep my sunny demeanor! I am having some blood work done because of some liver problems but I’ll keep you updated. I’m so grateful for my wonderful doctor who is the master investigator!
I’d like to especially thank this week’s Sunny Star, Lizzy Singleton, for sharing what life is like as an art student. You can read her story here. Lizzy visited me at the beach house this week and we had such a great time making mini pizzas, seashell cards, and sitting by the fire.
Next week at The Sunny Side Up!
  • I will be speaking at UCLA and at Toastmasters about hypnosis. I am not advocating hypnosis but I will be speaking about the process.
  • I am continuing to look for Sunny Stars to feature so if you would like to be featured or you know someone that would be great, you can email me at
  • Writing, writing, and oh, yes, more writing!
I hope you have a wonderful, sunny week ahead and for those of you that have started school, share smiles with your classmates! New pencils, new teachers, and most importantly—new friends!
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

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