Weather Report: Week 7

Where did the summer go? New backpacks, new outfits, and new students have walked all around my town this week as school started once again. I don't officially start school until September 23, but I'll be moving into my sorority house on September 5 to prepare for Rush (aka the recruiting process for new members). I had a very busy week  but it was highly enjoyable and I met many new and charming people. As for completing my Sunny Set goal of the week, which you can read about here, I did not get to watch as many of the classics as I'd hoped. I did watch Vampires Suck (which sucked itself) and I also saw Cape Fear, which I thought was on AFI's Top 100 list, but it wasn't. And as I always ask, did that movie make me any happier? Only if you consider waking up at 3:15 in the morning and sleeping on your couch because you were so scared as a sign of happiness. I don't think I'll ever see Robert DeNiro the same.

So what happened this week at The Sunny Side Up?

  • I spoke four times this week! I spoke twice about hypnosis for my public speaking class and for my Toastmasters club and later in the week  I was a guest speaker for two other Toastmasters clubs where I spoke about The Sunny Side Up!.
  • I have conducted many interviews for Sunny Stars. If you are interested or know someone who would make a great Sunny Star, please contact me at
  • I had a fairly relaxing week catching up with old friends and having a fun day at UCLA. I encourage you to say hi to an old friend in this next week!

I'd like to especially thank our Sunny Star, Christina Burcelis, for sharing such a motivational story with us. Her generous heart and gracious spirit is something that we should all strive toward. You can read her story here.Next week at The Sunny Side Up!

  • I'm writing my next speech about hummingbirds for my public speaking class and for Toastmasters. I just got a YouTube account so I'll share it with you when I complete the project.
  • I'm focusing on the Goal Setting chapter this week; it is my "goal" to have it completed by the end of the week.
  • I'll be packing like crazy as I prepare to move into my sorority house!

I hope you had pleasant and delicious week--with only Sunny Side Up! on your plate. I encourage you to make an honest effort to try writing your 5 Daily Gratitudes this week! For an example, you can go here.Keep shining,The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook


Wishing our Lives Away


My Sunny Side: Learning to Love My Body