Weather Report: Week 9

This has been such an entertaining, hectic, and action-packed week! It began with moving in to my sorority house at UCLA and preparing for Rush and it has ended with me judging the Junior Miss and Miss Teen California International pageants. It has been a week of reunions; seeing my sorority sisters, pageant sisters, and pageant director has been such a delight. I feel so blessed to have so many positive people in my life and I have loved meeting so many new people this week.
As for completing Sunny Set Goal #92, I didn’t have a chance to go out to karaoke but I did accomplish Sunny Set Goal #229. I have to say, kimchi is somewhat of an acquired taste but I had so much fun trying so many new foods on our double date!
So what happened this week at the Sunny Side Up?
  • I gave a persuasive speech about Toastmasters for my public speaking class and I nearly got a standing ovation! My classmates and professor really seemed to enjoy the class. To read the speech, you can go here.
  • I am judging the Junior Miss and Miss Teen California International pageants this weekend. I have interviewed over 40 young ladies and by tonight, I will have helped select the next two girls to represent our golden state!
  • I have moved into the Chi Omega house and we have been preparing for Rush. It’s been hard fitting in time to write the book but I’m making the time!
I’d like to take this time to thank our Sunny Star, Andrew Blumenfeld, for sharing his Youth and Government experience and Students for Marriage project. To see his story, you can go here.
Next week at the Sunny Side Up!
  • I will be speaking at the Las Patronas Debutante Ball Orientation with my parents. This was an amazing experience and I hope that I’ll be able to convince the girls to participate!
  • I’m still blogging away even though I’m at college. The book writing continues and I’m moving ahead.
  • Rush practice continues and I’ll be enjoying many sisterhood events. It’s so nice to be reunited together again!
Have a sunny week with a smile on your face and heart! I’ll let you know what the pageant results are…I know you all are shaking in your boots with anticipation! Well, at least I am. As I always say, “May we take pride in our lives, realize the power of dreams, and celebrate happiness today and everyday!”
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

Leaving a Legacy


Happy With or Without the Crown