Weather Report: Week 11

What a week! As I write this morning, I have that wonderful feeling that someone was hitting you with a baseball bat all night and you didn’t even know it. Keep in mind I tend to over-exaggerate, but still, I can tell that I’m exhausted. Let me say now; sleep is a great start to feeling happy on a physical level! But despite the lack of rest, I have been very happy this week. We are currently in the process of Rush and while the days are long, (we usually don’t go to bed until 2:00 am) I have loved welcoming over 800 girls into our home the past week. 
You may have noticed that I was unable to work on a Sunny Set goal this week but here is a goal: to have a phenomenal, charming, and sweet pledge class. We have two more days of recruitment left, and in that time I am trying to share my genuine happiness with as many girls as possible. I hope that these incoming members can see how strong our sisterhood in Chi Omega is and how happy and blessed I feel to be a part of it. 
So what happened this week at the Sunny Side Up? 
  • My mom graduated from the Hypnosis Motivation Institute. The ceremony was beautiful and I was interviewed on WebTV to share my experience. You go, mom!
  • While Rush is a day and night process, I also began school. I am taking sociology, anthropology, and philosophy; all of which are prerequisites for the psychology and communications majors. Reading already!
  • Writing continues and I love every minute of it. I wake up every morning looking forward to making a blog post and writing the book. I hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as I have.
I’d like to especially thank Maia Berens, one of our very own Fairy Godmothers. To read more about her story, you can go here
Next week at the Sunny Side Up!
  • Rush will be complete and we will have a pledge class of 40-50 new girls. I am so excited to meet them all and welcome them into our sisterhood. Looking forward to getting Facebook back!
  • I’ll have much more time to write as school gets back into swing. I try to write an hour every day so that I keep making continual progress.
  • I’m looking for more ways to get involved at UCLA. I definitely want to sign up for a dance class, but I’m looking for more community service projects to help with.
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

The Grasshopper vs. the Ant


Personal Problem vs. Public Issue