A Whole NEW World

Change is a funny thing. Yesterday in a sense was a day of new beginnings but it was also a day of farewells. We welcomed over 50 new girls into our home last night and with that came the end of one year and the start of a new one. As I look back on my Bid Day, I can remember feeling happy, but more than anything I was anxious and nervous. I didn’t know anyone and it seemed like everyone else knew each other so well. Quite frankly, I wasn’t sure that I wanted to stay.
But I did stay. I met people, those people became some of my best friends, and I am happier as a sister in Chi Omega than I ever thought possible. It’s amazing how much can happen in a year, isn’t it? New classes, new relationships, and new living situations. But it only gets better. The bonds of friendship get stronger with each passing day and I hope that these new girls have faith in that as they adjust to life not only as a UCLA Bruin, but now as a Chi Omega sister.
I’ve realized lately that the lessons that I am learning in college aren’t coming from the textbooks or the lectures. While that material is invaluable in its own right; it is outside the classroom that I truly learn. I learn what it means to be thoughtful and selfless like my Big Sister, Kelly, and I learn what it means to be optimistic and fun loving, like my best friend Lizzy. I’m learning something new every day—and it’s added to my happiness ten fold. When we are growing in faith, in love, and in character, we are growing in joy.
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

The Sunny Set #270


The Grasshopper vs. the Ant