Weather Report: Week 12

As you can tell by my tardy post, this week has been a hectic one. I always felt like the days kept running by and I could never catch up to them. Also, I realized how crucial technology is—my laptop has been down and accessing a computer has been a nightmare. It’s a wonder how we ever survived before without our cell phones, laptops, and Facebooks. But the truth of it is, maybe it’s a good thing. I was able to just live for a bit and be unplugged from the world.
At the same time, being the moderate control freak that I am, the feeling was unnerving. I worried away (as I’m sure you did as well, pacing back and forth waiting for a post…I highly doubt it), but nonetheless, I felt like I was never ready. Needless to say, I was not the happiest of campers this week.
This week at the Sunny Side Up!
  • It was my first official week of school and it’s been a challenge balancing my personal work with my school work. I hope you can bear with me as I make the adjustment.
  • I was appointed to be a part of the “Sisterhood Support Team” and it has been a joy sharing my love for Chi Omega with our new pledges. I want these girls to know that I am here for them.
  • I went to church. Spirituality is a huge component of happiness and I want to reconnect with God. I feel like I’ve lost touch and sight; it’s time to return to the place that I’ve known all along.
Next week at the Sunny Side Up:
  • I’m going to make a pointed effort to write more. This past week was just too busy but this week I am promising myself that I will write an hour every day.
  • Celebrate October! It’s one of my favorite months…I love the falling leaves, the costumes, and of course, the sweets galore! 
  • Sign up for a yoga or a dance class. I want to take the time to feel good physically this quarter. UCLA has a plethora of opportunities when it comes to fitness, so let’s get physical!
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

Surprises Lead to Smiles


Don't Be Aristotle's Cow