Put Happiness on Your To-Do List

Do you ever have days when you feel like you haven’t had a chance to breathe? This past month has felt like that for me (perhaps you’ve noticed with my sometimes less-than-punctual posts?) And checklists can only do so much…At certain point, you just need to relax. And the fact of the matter is, when we’re running on fumes, it’s nearly impossible to drive happily, so to speak.
Because I am on the dash, I’ll leave a quick and easy-to-read list for my fellow frenzied friends so that you can still get some happiness out of your day in the most efficient way possible.
1. Make a to-do list. Write it down before you go to bed or first thing in the morning. Getting your plans out on paper will help clear the clutter out of your head.
2. Write in a journal. Sometimes I just need to vent and recognize my emotions. When we get so busy, we start to function on a superficial level, forgetting our emotional and psychological needs.
3. Take a mini get-away. Spend time with your favorite people where you can settle down and just be yourself. Remove yourself from a hectic situation if you need to; it is okay to say “no” sometimes.
4. Have a heart-to-heart. Tell someone how you’re feeling. Empathy heals.
5. Put it in perspective. As they say,” this too shall pass.” Remember that the minute worries of today probably won’t matter a year, a month, or even a week from now. Be sure to put your time toward the people, activities, and goals that are most dear to your heart.
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

Sunny Star: Jessica Hopkins


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