Weather Report: Week 14

Before I begin, I’d like to make the announcement that I finally got a new laptop! And it’s pink, of course. I’ve broken up with my ex-laptop of four years and I’m so excited to get involved with my new one (wow—funny how that might actually resemble my real life). You can now count on me to be posting at regular times now that I have full Interact access and a functioning laptop. I’m thrilled to be back! (Wow, there’s nothing like the honeymoon stage!) Moving on, I hope you had a fantastical week filled with sunny thoughts and a sunny spirit!
So what happened this week at the Sunny Side Up?
  • I am meeting with our Chi Omega National Consultant regarding my position as Personnel Chair. I’m always looking for ways to bring happiness to my house and I’m hoping that she can help me figure out some new ideas for appreciating people.
  • I’ve been recruiting for the Sunny Side Up. I’m always looking for new Sunny Stars and I think I’ve got some great stories that will inspire and motivate you.
  • I’m preparing for Halloween! I’m so thrilled about the holiday season and I’ve decorated my sorority house with lights, owls, and spiders for some Halloween cheer! I encourage you to get involved with the festivities; celebrating traditions while enjoying the novelty of a new time of year is the perfect concoction for happiness.
Next week at the Sunny Side Up!
  • I’m back in the saddle again! My fingers and the keyboard are like re-united lovers after all this time apart.
  • After meeting the National Consultant for Chi Omega, I will be very busy implementing new ways to improve our Gamma Beta chapter. I want to make the most of my time here by making the most of everyone else’s time.
  • I will be performing with my sisters in the sorority sing off and I will also be participating in Big Sis/Little Sis week at our house. It is definitely a sorority week but I promise not to talk about it too, too much!
Call it a shopper’s high, but I’m certainly happier now that I’m not typing this post in the library or on my roommate’s computer. With that being said, I encourage you to notice the blessings in your life that you could easily take for granted; your health, your energy, or if you’re like me, your efficient technology. Often times, we don’t notice these privileges until they’re gone. Celebrate what you have in your life, right NOW.
What are you thankful for today?
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

A Reason to Live in Chili


Sunny Star: Candice Brown