The Sunny Set: #5, #18

I know I’ve been on a Disney craze lately so I’m sorry for all of you Disney Downers, but my Sunny Set Goal this week revolves around those magical mouse ears once more. It’s only because I just went to an internship workshop for Disney last week and the program sounded amazing. Also, because I am struggling to decide on a plan for summer (yes, I know it’s only November) and because my dad can barely let a day go by without asking me when “I will make a dollar,” it’s high time I make some plans. I think this is what becoming an adult means? A job? Yes, what a concept. Yes, that is sarcasm, I know I rarely use it, but I believe the occasion warrants.
So that is why I am pursuing two Sunny Set goals this week among other summer plans…
#5: Work for Disney.
#18: Be a Disney princess at Disneyland.
As you know from my previous post which you can read here, I am a “Disney Delighter.” I have loved Disney since I was a child and I admire their work ethic now that I’m a young adult. I would love to give back the happiness that I was given as a child by working as a Disney princess (Cinderella maybe?). Now I know this is actually a very challenging endeavor (hundreds of girls audition), but you know what they say—if you never try, it will never happen. So I’m going to try and see where it leads me. Who knows, maybe right down the middle of Main Street USA?
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook
P.S. Check out the website if you’re interested!

Sunny Star: Marie Berry


Just Say It to My Face