In Remembrance of Elizabeth

Yesterday was a sad day for our country. We lost one of the most resilient women, Elizabeth Edwards, as she lost her long battle to cancer. In honor of her today, I wanted to republish this blog post. May it be a reminder to us to love those around us and to take each day for what it is: a gift.
“It took me some time to realize that I was lucky, really. I did not need to intrude into someone else’s life to have happiness. “
Coming from Elizabeth Edwards, that is a remarkable statement. After having her son die at the young age of 16, discover that she had terminal cancer, and learn of her husband’s affair that produced an illegitimate child; happiness couldn’t have been easy. I found Elizabeth Edwards’ memoir to be so inspiring; Resilience reminded me of just that—to never give up no matter what life hands you.
After having to endure so many hardships, this woman is a remarkable reminder how we can still find something to be grateful for in our lives no matter what hardships we endure. As much as Elizabeth describes the immense pain she felt with each of her losses, especially with the death of her son, she always recognizes that there was something to learn from the situation that ultimately helped her become a stronger person.
I highly encourage you to read this quick page turner over the holiday season. As saddening as it was, it was even more uplifting and hopeful. Elizabeth Edwards is one of my new role models. She is a good reminder that we don’t have to force happiness if we don’t naturally feel it; sometimes we need to feel sad and that is perfectly okay. I admire Elizabeth for taking her life into her own hands and for having the courage to follow her heart, even if that meant leaving her 30 year marriage.
But Elizabeth is just like us: “Much of what has happened in my life has unfortunately happened to many others. The difference was that I did it, for good or bad, with a spotlight shined on me, or more accurately, shined on others and lighting me as a consequence. I have tried to not let the spotlight change me.”
And it hasn’t. Elizabeth is still the Golden Girl that she always has been and she continues to shine.
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

Sunny Star: Nivedita Kar


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