Steel Magnolias Shines

I don’t think I’ve ever gotten through Steel Magnolias without crying. This morning it came on T.V. and I just knew—well, I better go get the box of Kleenex. Those of you who have seen it will understand; and for those of you who haven’t, I highly recommend watching it. It is a true coming of age story that reminds us that yes, “life goes on.” There will be times of great happiness and periods of great sadness, but that is simply the way of life. This too shall pass.
Even with such a bittersweet ending, this movie is a wonderful reminder that even when we lose one of the most precious people in our lives, there will always be someone there to pull us through. This movie is about the power of friendship. It’s a wonderful reminder of how blessed we are to have such wonderful friends in our lives. Isn’t it comforting to know that our friends will be here for us in some of our most joyous time and also in our darkest times? You never have to be alone when you have a friend.
Now, I know some of you men are probably dismissing this post…”chick flick.” But may this be a reminder to you gents that even you need friendship. In fact, I’ve met quite a few guys who acclaim “Steel Magnolias” just as much as I do. So no matter if you’re a lady or a lad, give this movie a chance to add some sunshine to your life. I promise you won’t regret it—it’s actually quite funny, too. Shirley MacLaine…need I say more?
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

Christmas Cookies=Holiday Cheer


It's Winter Break...So Take One!