How to be Happier in 2011

It’s the last day of the year—and what a year it was! I hope you ring in the new year tonight with your family and friends; celebrating the past, present, and future. Perhaps you’ve already cooked up a New Year’s resolution but I encourage you to take the time today to write 10 goals for yourself for 2011. What do you want to accomplish this year? How do you want to strive to be a better, happier you?
How do you want to feel healthier? You could pick a mountain you’d like to climb, join a gym, or if you’re like me, sign up for salsa and yoga classes!
How do you want to improve academically or at work? You can set a goal for how many hours you’d like to dedicate each day to studying or improving your work quality. Ask yourself if you’re happy in your situation. If not, it may be the perfect time to change your major or look for a new job opportunity!
How do you want to improve your relationships? You could decide to text or send a friend a message every day—make sure your friends know how much you care about them. You could set a weekly date night or plan monthly outings with your friends—the important thing is to show initiation and commitment.
How do you want to grow? Look at your Sunny Set and see what goals are achievable this coming year. Focus on those and make little steps each day to achieve those goals. And if you haven’t written a Sunny Set, then write yours today—we all need things to look forward to in life. You can see my Sunny Set here.
How do you want to be happier? It’s a balance between the large and the little. Enjoy the simple pleasures of life and take the time you need to relax. But be sure to push yourself outside of your comfort zone by challenging yourself to take on new adventures and new opportunities to learn.
I hope you have your happiest year yet! And I hope you ring it in the right way—watching “When Harry Met Sally,” of course! In all seriousness though, I wish for you a year of love, peace, and most importantly, happiness.
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

Making Your Resolution Realistic


Sunny Star: Dallas Woodburn