The Sunny Set: #253

I’ve got Bruin pride in my blood. Both my grandparents went to UCLA and I grew up hearing stories about the good ol’ days when my grandma studied in dress design (yes, that was a major back then) and my grandpa was in a fraternity that no longer exists on campus—Teke anyone? But even as the years go by, and now that I’m a Bruin, there are many lasting traditions that are still as strong as ever.
My grandma would get coffee in Kerckoff just like hundreds of students still do today. And even though she proudly claims that she never stepped foot in the library while she was a student, Powell was ringing its bell in the 1950’s just like it does now. And while I am a Chi Omega, my grandma lived right next door in the same house that belongs to Pi Phi. She showed me her yearbook from college and both of our houses look the same back then as they do now. All of these stories show that there is so much history and longevity to be had on college campuses. And that is why I am hoping to fulfill:
Sunny Set Goal #253: To be a UCLA Campus Tour Guide
I believe in leaving a legacy. My grandparents left a legacy here at UCLA and now I hope that I can help other potential students leave a legacy at this remarkable campus. I’m so happy to be a student at this university and I think it would be a privilege, and even a responsibility, to share that happiness with others by showing them this great school.
I realize that this goal is not completely in my hands but I have faith that everything happens for a reason. If it is meant to be then it will be. And if it is meant to be, then I will be so excited to share this amazing campus with anyone and everyone who wants to see it. Go Bruins!
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

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