A UniCamp Hopeful

UniCamp. It's a famous word at UCLA. Lasting for the past 75 years, it is a camp for underprivileged LA local kids to forget about their troubles and get happy for a week. I just submitted my application to be a camp counselor this morning and I thought I'd share a few words on my blog. When asked why I wanted to be a part of UniCamp and what I could contribute to the camp experience, here is what I said:
"Even with over 24,000 students, UCLA is a close knit family. The student body shares stories, traditions, and experiences together that last beyond the four years spent on campus. One of those generational experiences is UniCamp. It is an opportunity for UCLA students to give back and to connect with the community, including the campers, their fellow counselors, and themselves. Countless students have experienced the wonder of UniCamp and they always come back to tell their tales. As a second year, I’ve heard too many of these tales to not want to tell my own. I want to meet the kids that make you laugh and I want to have the heart-felt talks that make you cry. I want to see the stories that I’ve only heard about and I want to make some of my own stories along the way. As a UCLA Bruin, I want to be a part of the UniCamp community tradition that has continued for over 75 years.
My motto in life is “to celebrate happiness today and every day.” I always try to maintain a positive attitude and spread sunshine as best as I can. I want to continue that attitude as a camp counselor for UniCamp. I realize that the kids that attend this camp are fun-loving and normal but I am also aware that they may have some challenges at home. With this in the back of my mind, and if given the opportunity, I would like to focus my attention on offering a simple gift: happiness. I think that I can help these children experience true happiness with my positive attitude and happy-go-lucky spirit. Most importantly, I hope this happiness can go beyond their week spent at camp, so that they can bring that happiness home.
That's why I decided to attach a sunflower to my application (they asked us to include something representative of our personality). I always try to encourage people to take pride in their lives and realize the power of their dreams through happiness. A smile, a laugh, or a kind compliment can make a person’s day sometimes, and I always try to offer that to people. Just like a sunflower, I am open to meeting new people and making new friendships. I love to have fun and I love to make people smile!"
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

Lonely, but Happy


Sunny Star: Jenna Pacelli