Dance Hall Days

Some people love to dance, others are impartial, and others just hate it (perhaps those with two left feet?). I’m one of the people that love to dance and I think it can offer some of our best times. We can forget about the past and the future and just enjoy the present moment. But I think to love dance you also need to love music; it takes the two to tango!
I’m an advocate of all types of dance. Everything from ballroom to ballet to hip hop and “party-style” (I don’t think that style has a name…), I love all kinds of dance. And after 26 hours of UCLA’s Dance Marathon, dancing is fresh on my mind.
I thought I’d share some of my favorite dance memories:
1. Dance Marathon: I had a blast dancing with my sorority sisters and cheering them on.
2. Center Stage: My favorite dance movie!
3. Getting my first pair of pointe shoes: I was nine years old and I loved dancing in those shoes.
4. Date Parties: I always have fun dancing the night away to some of my favorite songs.
5. Teaching Cotillion: I loved teaching the little kids how to cha-cha, swing, and waltz. Too bad the girls are taller than the boys at that age!
6. Father-Daughter Dance: My dad has always been my favorite guy to dance with.
7. Debutante Ball: A waltz that I will always treasure.
8. Weddings: When they play “Shout” I can’t help but get out on the dance floor.
9. Disneyland parades: I think that’s about as happy as dancing can get. They can do a two step like no other.
10. Swing dancing: I love ballroom dancing…and the rhinestones.
What are some of your favorite dance memories?
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

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