Wishing Time Away

I like to consider myself an eternal optimist but lately I’ve found that Debbie Downer seems to be a good friend of mine. I keep catching myself wishing my time away, which is something I adamantly strive not to do. Do you find yourself in a similar situation? Feeling so “over it” or saying, “I can’t wait for ‘this’ to be over?” Before long, it will be over and if we’re not careful, all we’ll have left is a bad attitude and missed out on memories. It’s about making the most of every day; even if that day includes a midterm, a tooth surgery, or a cold. I think we should make the most of not only every day, but every hour and minute that we are given. It is only wasted time unless we’ve wished it away.
So here are some suggestions to feel a little more positive attitude in your day to day:
1. Plan outings: My best friend invited me to dinner last night and we had the best time going out. If you’re having a ho-hum day, add a little something to your calendar to spice up your life! (Spoken like a true Spice Girl).
2. Do your 5 Daily Gratitudes: I know it may be hard to write them every day, but if you’re feeling particularly negative, this is the perfect time to write down 5 things you are grateful for.
3. Give yourself a break: Sometimes that’s what your body and mind needs. Take a nap, eat a decadent dessert, or watch some “junk” TV. It’s all about balance.
4. Think of others: While you must love yourself before you can love others, show others how much you care by writing them letters or giving them a special compliment. When you recognize how meaningful the relationships in your life are, you’ll feel so much happier.
5. Do what you enjoy: Sure, sometimes we have to jump through hoops—it’s part of life. But there’s always a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow so treat yourself to some fun. Go out dancing, watch a favorite movie, or go to a great restaurant to reward yourself.
I hope that perks up your day a little bit. It’s all about the little moments in life that lead up to our mindset. Take time in your day to get your spirits high and your smile bright.
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

Rising and Shining


Sunny Star: Madeline Hunt