Patience in the Present

I’m always fascinated by how much can happen in a year. You can meet your best friend, travel to a foreign country, or meet the love of your life—all without planning on it when you rang in the new year. Change is inevitable but what never changes is that we never know when change will come. Whether it is for the better or for the worse, I think there’s always some sunny side to it if we chose to accept each day with optimism.
I’m at my own crossroads right now…I don’t even know where I’ll be this summer. Maybe I’ll be living in LA working for Disney , writing for Cosmopolitan in New York, studying abroad in Italy, or sitting at home writing my book—I have no idea at this point. And while the thought of an empty summer is a little unnerving while everyone else has internships, countries, and classes fall into their lap, I am trying to emphasize the importance of patience in the present and trust in the future.
I realize this happens all throughout life. Within your senior year of high school you have no idea if you’ll be living across the country, an hour away, or right at home in a year. We have no idea what jobs we’ll get, where we’ll end up calling “home,” and who we’ll share that home with. Although, I have heard that chances are likely that by age 23 or so you have already met your future husband or wife (on average…don’t freak out everyone). The opportunities for life are endless, especially in our generation. I think we should always challenge ourselves to at least open every door, and then decide to walk through it if we like what we see.
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

Sunny Star: Katherine Simon


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