Spreading Random Acts of Kindness

There’s a club on my campus that is taking the school by storm. Spreading happiness in every hall, walkway, and building, I couldn’t help but join. Random Acts of Kindness is always greeting students with a high five, a compliment, and a smile. It makes a person’s day and I love that they have the courage to do what many people don’t. It’s unfortunate to me that it’s considered out of the ordinary for a stranger to say “hi” or to give a compliment. What is it that holds us back? After all, I’ve never seen someone run in terror or frown back at someone who gave them a smile.
And while I’m on the run today, I encourage you to give your biggest and best smile to a friend, a classmate, or a stranger. It’s the littlest things that can bring us the most happiness sometimes. We never know what people may be going through in their lives and sometimes the simplest thing like a compliment can turn a person’s day around.
May you spread your own random acts of kindness today and every day!
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

Walking for Wishes


Sunny Star: Katherine Simon