History Comes to Life

Greetings from Washington D.C. everyone! I am so excited for my first trip here and I can’t wait to see all the national monuments and museums. My mom and I are spending a week sight-seeing and I’m planning on accomplishing a lot of goals on my Sunny Set this week!
Here are some of my must-see and hopeful visits:
1. Ruby Red Slippers at the Smithsonian: not the only thing on my list but definitely a highlight!
2. Cherry blossom trees: the perfect time of year.
3. Washington Monument: I’ve seen it on the road already but I’m excited to see it up close.
4. White House: Again, I saw it driving to the hotel but I can already hear the gift shop calling my name.
5. Pandas at the zoo: I haven’t seen a panda in so long!
6. Nivedita: One of my best friends will be in Washington D.C. at the same time. We have to get a picture and flash a Chi Omega sign.
7. Capitol: We got tickets from our congressman, Elton Gallegly, and our senator, Barbara Boxer. Let’s hope they’re not on spring break like me!
8. DC Cupcakes: After watching the show on TV, I hope I’ll get a bite!
9. Supreme Court session: After participating in a mock Supreme Court trial in high school, I want to see it live—the real deal.
10. Lincoln Memorial: A timeless president, a timeless monument.
The list is so much longer than 10 but I thought I’d keep it short and sweet—less time typing and more time traveling! I am so excited to be at our nation’s Capital and it reminds me of how proud I am to be an American. I can already tell how much I’m going to love the city; crisp air, classic architecture, and so much history imbedded into the present day.
Do you have any suggestions of sites we should check out?
I hope that you have a wonderful spring break—whether you’re relaxing at home, laying on a beach in the Caribbean, or going on a cruise in Mexico. Wherever you may be, may you be happy!
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants


Sunny Star: Perry Friedlander