Get Out!

Spring is the season for new beginnings. Blossoms are blooming and grass is growing—life is changing. Just as nature begins anew, so can we. We have another chance to start fresh and make some positive changes in our lives. So what can you do to feel happier not only in the spring, but for the rest of the year? Here are some Sunny Suggestions:
1. Get healthy: I’m not gonna say it, but I’m gonna say it: swimsuit season. Now that I’ve gotten the vanity comment out of the way, I want to emphasize the importance of health internally—while the external benefits are also nice. When you take the time to eat healthy and exercise often, you feel so much more energized and alive.
2. Get out in nature: With so much rain this year, there is greenery everywhere to be found. Enjoy it and get a breath of fresh air!
3. Get out the clutter: A lot can pile up over the days a little too easily. Get out of that winter hibernation by giving away or selling items that you no longer need.
4. Get social: Cold nights are no longer an excuse. Go out and see your friends—have a great time in the refreshing night air—warm jackets no longer needed.
5. Get creative: Find new ways to do things. Maybe that’s trying a new exercise method or thinking up new ways to appreciate your family. When you think outside the box, your happiness expands outside of the box, too.
I hope these ideas will help you make the most of your spring. Get out there!
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

Happiest in Love


Living Like Lincoln