What Does Happiness Sound Like?

Because I’m going to American Idol today, I’m in the mood for some singing. Singing is a touchy subject, though. Some people have a phenomenal gift, most don’t, and many think they do but in all actuality…well, I guess that’s what auditions for American Idol are for, right? But most of can sing to some capacity and darn, I think it is fun. There’s nothing like singing in the car with your friends, belting it out in the shower, or just humming to yourself. Heck, I know I make up songs when I’m doing the dishes. I’m proud of myself for actually admitting that! Singing is often a private thing because hey, most us can be honest enough with ourselves to know that we may not have the chops of Celine or Beyonce. I wish. But singing can make us so happy! From Disney’s sing along videos as kids to karaoke bars now, singing is fun at any age in your life and it’s an instant camaraderie builder. (Aka, you better know the classics like “Respect” and “YMCA” if you want to join along). And times are a changing—if you don’t know “Yeah” by now (hey, it’s been 10 years), then it’s time to hop on the belt out band wagon! It’s a part of American pop culture and being a part of that can bring instant happiness—especially when dancing is involved. And for those of you that can really belt it out—don’t be Ariel when she hits the shore. Belt it out so that even Simon Cowell can’t turn you away. (Too bad I won’t get to see him tonight—but Steven Tyler is pretty good, too). If singing is your dream, and it makes you happy, then go for it! Singing is a talent that should not go quietly. I’ll let you know how it goes!Keep shining,The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook


Sunny Star: Daniel Chikanov


Why Psychology Sucks Sometimes