Happiness for Moms

Happy Mother’s Day everyone! I hope you make the day meaningful for your mom, mamacita, mommy, momma, or mew—whatever special name you have for her. I want to especially thank my mother for all the wonderful things she has done for our family over the years. She is one special lady who shines her sunshine wherever she goes.
What qualities are you thankful for in your mom? Tell her so! I know it can be hard to say the words sometimes, but people, and our moms especially, should hear it. They should know how much we love them—saying it is the easiest way.
Here are 10 reasons why I LOVE my mom:
1. The Marila Cook dance: She is always the first person to get excited for me and I love how she gets so enthusiastic about great news.
2. Enthusiasm of the Energizer Bunny: She always has a smile on her face and she is one of the friendliest people that I know.
3. Her leadership abilities: She served as National Charity League President and she worked tirelessly for the organization. Her hard work paid off and she did an outstanding job.
4. Her dedication to education: She has always stressed the importance of knowledge. With her masters in nursing, she is always searching for new information to study.
5. Her caring heart: My mom worked as a nurse in heart surgery for over 20 years and she still works as a nurse. She truly cares about her patients—I think she is perfect for the job.
6. Her dessert skills: Oh, if you could see a cake that she decorates.
7. Party planner to the max: From our annual news year party, to every elaborate birthday party, my mom makes every special occasion even more special.
8. Giving back: My mom is a true philanthropist. I think she exemplifies the word “selfless.”
9. Laughter: My mom has a great laugh. She and my dad make a killer combo.
10. Supportive: Whether it’s a phone call, cards, or kind words, my mom always uses just the right words to inspire me.
I love you Mom! Have a happy Mother’s Day—you certainly deserve it!
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

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