Pet Pals

I’ve been missing home a little lately. I love these spring days that feel like summer here at school, but at the same time, I’m restless for a break! And as silly as it may sound, I especially miss my Siamese cat, Kiko. I actually mention him quite often on this blog because he is such a great source of happiness in my life. I think many people can relate to this; whether it’s your golden retriever, your 13 year old something of a cat, or your baby bearded dragon, pets are a great source of fun, entertainment, and happiness. I love that you can love another creature and (usually) it will love you back unconditionally. Never mind that we have food in our hands. Still, pets are simply the best. I miss mine.What pets do you love?Here’s a little video to enjoy. I was watching a documentary on Charles Manson for my social psychology class so I needed something extra cheery to cheer me up. This definitely did the trick! Keep shining,The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook  


Going for the Gold with Barbara Donahue


My Theme Song