What are YOU Thankful for Today?

I can’t believe that it’s already June! June! I hope there’s none of its rhyming counterpart of “gloom” because summer is on the horizon and there is just no place for clouds this time of year. I’ve had the blog for a good month now and I want to thank everyone so much for all of your support.We have already gotten over 27,000 hits in a month (which took me about a year with my other blog). I’m SO excited about this and I want to thank everyone who has joined me on this journey; whether you check on this blog daily or if you only check in when you see “love,” “death,” or some other dramatic word pop up on your Facebook feed. It means so much to me and you’ve brought so much happiness to my life by sharing this experience with me.Many of you send me inspiration for the blog and I absolutely love that—keep it coming! One of you sent me this poem last night and I couldn’t have read it at a better time. I hope you’ll enjoy:I AM THANKFUL FOR:...the mess to clean up after a partybecause it means I have been surrounded by friends....the taxes I paybecause it means that I'm employed....the clothes that fit a little too snugbecause it means I have enough to eat....my shadow who watches me workbecause it means I am out in the sunshine....the spot I find at the far end of the parking lotbecause it means I am capable of walking....all the complaining I hear about our governmentbecause it means we have freedom of speech....that lady behind me in church who sings off keybecause it means that I can hear....lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning and gutters that need fixingbecause it means I have a home....my huge heating billbecause it means that I am warm....weariness and aching muscles at the end of the daybecause it means that I have been productive....the alarm that goes off in the early morning hoursbecause it means that I am alive.By: Nancy J. CarmodyKeep shining,The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook 


Advice from the Love Doctor


Going for the Gold with Barbara Donahue