Sunny Star: Ira Meyer
You never know where a yoga class will take you. I’m a firm believer in the practice and the people who do it. I met Ira Meyer there, a renowned photographer who has traveled the world, capturing life’s most aesthetic and awe-inspiring moments. If you ever need some extra happiness for the day, take a trip by Ira’s website. His work is impeccable and the images are indescribable.Here is Ira’s website: www.irameyer.comNow let’s go out and see the world.
1. You've been a very successful photographer. What type of photography makes you the happiest?I most enjoy photographing nature and wildlife.2. What has been your happiest memory while photographing?There have been many. But the first which comes to mind was in Denali National Park in 1987. I was driving on the park's lone road, when I saw a grizzly bear about a mile up a hill. So I parked and watched it... for the next four hours. He put on a stellar performance: grazing, snoozing, digging for a ground squirrel, scratching his back on a tree and sliding down a snow embankment. But the ultimate highlight was when he came down to the road, where he chomped on a wooden sign and in doing so fractured it.3. You've been to Antarctica 11 times to take pictures. What part of this experience has brought you happiness?
I actually think happiness is an internal matter. That said: Antarctica is my favorite place on Earth. This is due to a combination of things. First off is its otherworldly beauty. Secondly, though men have laid footprints there, we've had no appreciable effect on the environment. As such, it's likely nature at its absolute purest. There's also an abundance of accessible wildlife; with penguins being the most entertaining and comical of creatures. But I think Antarctica's stillness is what moves me most deeply. For it is truly profound. (And I believe transformative.)4. What species is the most fun to photograph?
I think the most fun I ever had photographing animals was 8 hours I spent one day at the orangutan exhibit and the San Diego Zoo.5. What has been your greatest challenge with photography and how have you been able to overcome this?As is the case with many people of an artistic bent, I am woefully inept when it comes to marketing my work. Honestly, I am not sure that after 20 years of earning my way in life with my photography that I have truly overcome this. But I have managed to learn to live within my means. This has dictated I live a fairly simple life. But that actually well suits me. So I am largely content.6. Many people have a passion for photography but they're afraid to pursue it as a career. What words of advice would you give them?Two (opposing) thoughts come to mind here:
~ In following your passion, your life is likely to be rich and full. (Though this does not preclude the possibility of struggle.)~ In keeping your passion as an avocation rather than embracing it as vocation, you leave the door open to always have an outlet for your creativity (and for fulfillment); without risking it becoming a job.Neither is inherently better or worse...It is simply a matter of each individual finding which shoe best fits them.7. Do you have anything else you'd like to say?Life is an incredible gift. And the world we live in possesses mind-boggling beauty. As such, I think it behooves everyone to drink of the chalice of enriching life experiences available to us as human beings on our fair planet.Keep shining,The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook