What Language Do You Speak?

Have you ever been in love? Have you ever had that swooning, endless, passionate love that you can’t stop thinking about? It’s a great feeling, right? But just as newlyweds go on honeymoons, so do most relationships. Eventually, you have to get back on the plane and head home to reality. Reality doesn’t have to be a bad thing, but it’s no Sandals resort either. Real life doesn’t include flowers on your pillow every morning, long walks on the beach, and romantic declarations of love. It may every now and then, but that’s not every day love.I’ve begun reading The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman. He teaches how people have a primal need to be loved and how different people need to be loved different ways. We all speak a different language when it comes to love and if we don’t speak the same language as our partner  (Chapman says we rarely do) or we can’t understand it, then we’ll never interpret the love that we are given. People can speak love in different ways but if they can’t comprehend it, then the love can be lost in translation.So first and foremost, I highly encourage you to take the Love Language test today. You may not be married (I’m not and won’t be any time soon!) but the concepts of love still apply. Find out how you like to be loved here.Once you’ve learned your language, encourage your friends, family, and special someone to take the test as well. The more we learn about the languages we speak, the more fluent we can become when it comes to loving others.There are five ways that people like to be loved, according to Chapman:1. Words of Affirmation2. Quality Time3. Receiving Gifts4. Acts of Service5. Physical TouchI took the quiz and I scored highest on words of affirmation and physical touch, and I also like quality time and receiving gifts. However, acts of service were of little use to me—I scored 0 on that! Someone doing the laundry for me does not really make me feel loved but someone saying how much they love me makes my day every time.How do you like to be loved? Please share!Keep shining,The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook


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