The Threes Rule

Do you ever have days when you feel stressed beyond belief? Well, that was a stupid question, wasn’t it? I think the resounding answer for all of is YES. If you’re like me, you enjoy being busy, but sometimes it can get to a point when it’s so overwhelming that you don’t know where to begin. I’ve been having that kind of weekend and in my untimely procrastination, I’m reminded of one of my favorite suggestions, coming from one of my mentors, the talented Kristi Blicharski.It’s the threes rule.You know how they say things come in threes, whether it’s deaths, successes, and such? Well, the same applies to goal setting. When I write my daily to-do list, and the list has more than 15 tasks, I start using the threes rule, highlighting the top 3 tasks to complete and adding another one as I check one off.You have to make life simple for yourself. Three is much more inviting than a list of 30. I highly recommend you try this tip if you feel yourself getting overwhelmed, which we all will inevitably feel at some point. Make life easier for yourself and your happiness will be all the more available to you.Off to make my to-do list for the day! What strategies work well for you when it comes to goal setting?Keep shining,The Sunny Girl, Lauren CookFollow me on Twitter by clicking here.


10 Years Ago Today


Say Goodbye to Embarrassment--Embrace Yourself Instead!