Making Me Smile
I have to admit, I have been especially happy lately! There’s something about this autumn season that just puts a smile on my face. Pumpkins are everywhere (although my mother has informed me that there’s a shortage this season…I think it’s just because she doesn’t want to make my dad and me 10 pumpkin pies—we will literally eat one a day if given the chance, they’re so good). Also, I love Halloween decorations and don’t you know, I’ve already ordered my Halloween costume! The distributors have finally caught on to the idea of making a decently cute Cinderella costume. So that is what I shall be…now to only find some glass slippers.So in this happy spirit and because my grandma just bought me the book, 14,000 to be Happy About, here are 13 things (31 backwards for October) that make me incredibly happy!1. Beautiful bouquets of flowers, preferably pink.2. Dance parties with my roommates.
3. Desserts, preferably ones that have peanut butter in them.4. A snuggle with my precious Siamese. I love when he rests his little head on the pillow with me.5. Animals—I love each and every single one. I love how spontaneous they are…until they bite or poop. That is not the good kind of spontaneity.6. Hot tea, especially peach.7. Fireplaces—crackle, crackle. Nothing feels more like home.8. Writing is my mental escape.9. Can I just say Pinterest is my new favorite thing? It has been inspiring so much creativity lately.10. Singing in the shower.11. Walking on campus listening to music.12. A clean space.13. Yellow, pink, and other bright colors.What is it in your life that is just making you smile? I know there’s something! Please share!Keep shining,The Sunny Girl, Lauren CookPlease follow me on Twitter by clicking here!