Gratitude is the Best Attitude

Happy November everyone! The months just seem to fly by. I always associate November as a month of gratitude so let’s make it the theme for this month on the blog—gratitude is the best attitude. How grateful are you—truly? Do you think about it and express it often? So many of the things in our life are taken for granted until they are taken away. We are not entitled to anything—we are not entitled to our fortune, our health, or our job. We are blessed—we are given privileges—we do not own what comes into our lives.We know this all too well because we see things taken away from people on a daily basis for no good reason. Car accidents, cancer, the loss of a job. Who’s to say why these things happen but for whatever reason, sometimes, they do. So if you are living life in great health with happiness in your heart—BE THANKFUL! And if you are going through a challenging experience, I invite you to look for the silver lining because it is there—it is definitely there. If nothing more, it will be to help someone who may face a similar problem in the future. No loss is in vain if you help someone else gain in their own tragedy.I’m so excited for this month ahead! The pumpkin goodness can continue and families are celebrated. We truly do have so much to be thankful for, just being citizens of the United States. Let’s give thanks today and not wait until the 24th!Keep shining,The Sunny Girl, LaurenPlease follow me on Twitter by clicking here


The Math Behind Motivation


Happy Birthday Auntie Nette!