What's Your Christmas Wish?

I always love starting my day by watching The Today Show. I was watching a segment on families who lost their homes this past year in Texas due to tremendous wildfires. Of course the Today Show saved the day partnering with Walmart to give a Christmas surprise to two families. It was so touching to watch one little girl’s face light up when she received a new Barbie Doll, something that she had previously lost in the fire. Seeing acts of love like this is what Christmas is all about.We may get wrapped up in what’s wrapped up under our tree sometimes but if we look closely, we’ll remember that this season is about so much more. It’s about celebrating health, love, and strong family ties. I hope this Christmas you get what’s on your wish list—but I hope your wish list includes more an iPad or a new pair of boots. We have so much to me thankful for—so much that can’t necessarily be tied in a bow but still, these are much more meaningful presents if you ask me.This year my personal wish for Christmas is that I will get along well with my parents (it’s always an adjustment after coming home from college!) and that I will be as much of a help as possible when it comes to cooking in the kitchen. I can’t believe how fast the holidays have come upon us this year but I hope you’ll make the most of the time you have left. With so many people wishing you “Happy Holidays,” don’t you think it’s only fair that you feel happy?In these last two days before Christmas, I hope you are truly happy spending time with family and friends.Keep shining,The Sunny Girl, Lauren CookPlease follow me on Twitter here!


What I Learned this Christmas


How to Make it the Most Wonderful Time of the Year