Following Your Happy Trail

Let’s be honest. As much as we may think getting married or having children will make us incredibly happy (and I sincerely hope that it will)—it is just as important that we “marry” the right kind of job. I’ve been interning at Disney ABC for about a month now and I’ve never realized until now how crucial it is to be as happy as possible where you work. In actuality, many of us will spend just as much time at work (if not more so if you just count waking hours) than we will at home. And much of the time, our mood transfers over after a day of work—so it’s essential that you’re happy during your day at the office or wherever you may be so that you can come home having that same happiness to share with your family.I’m so excited to say that I’ve never been happier at work. I really do feel like I’m going to Disneyland every day—the people are exceptionally friendly. People actually greet each other in the elevator and I hear laughter on a regular—no, a constant—basis. I love being a part of an environment where people LOVE what they do and where they all love each other. I’m still very new to “the family” as many of them have been with the company for over 10 years (which I think says something about the Disney standard), but I have still been accepted with just as much warmth and affiliation as the rest. It’s not work for me—it’s fun. I love getting to go to the office and experiencing this kind of happiness—it will be a great reminder of my happiness potential for the rest of my life.I’m still at a crossroads with careers and as many of you have shared with me, we’re all in the same boat. One day authors, the next teachers. One minute marketing majors, the next pre-med. It’s so incredibly hard to decide—I know. But let your “happiness trail” be your guide. As easy as it can be to get caught up in quantity over quality, it’s so important that you focus just as much on filling your happiness account as your bank account. It’s an investment because when you focus on your happiness, you’ll have that much more of it to share with the people around you.If you ever need a sounding board or some advice on your future career, I’m all ears. I see plenty of Mickey’s on a daily basis so I’ve gotten pretty good at listening. Okay, I may have taken that pun too far but in all seriousness, I’m always glad to help out with your happiness when you need it.Keep shining,The Sunny Girl, Lauren CookPlease follow me on Twitter by clicking here


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