Your Friendship Toolbox

Yesterday wasn’t my favorite day in the world but somehow I ended the day still with a smile on my face. I realized it’s because of amazing friends. But I also realized that each friend has a certain function—similar to a toolkit. We all need certain types of friends for different occasions—granted you don’t want a friend that’s a tool! Just kidding! So here’s the friends I recommend to have in your friendship toolkit:1. A laugher: Someone who you can just get silly with. Life doesn’t have to be so serious with this friend. They remind you that it’s about the little joys and just having fun.2. A hugger: 4 hugs a day, that’s the minimum! At least that’s the song they taught us in kindergarten.3. An earthy one: It’s great to have people who are down to Earth and just get it at the end of the day. They’re the rational friend, the ones who can see the bigger picture.4. A fair one: Devil’s advocates, as irking as they may be sometimes, offer the fair mindedness that we could all use a little more of. This friend is great at giving perspective which we can all use a little more of I’ll bet!5. A sassy one: I like people who have a little spunk and spirit to them. Someone who can add a little flavor is always fun to have friend.What friends do you prize in your toolkit? Every friend has unique qualities that make them special and valuable in our lives. Here’s to BUILDING amazing friendships!Keep shining,The Sunny Girl, Lauren CookPlease follow me on Twitter by clicking here!


Spending...But Sharing


Living It Up with a Laugh