Sunny Sundays!

Isn’t this an amazing weekend? It seems like everyone is enjoying the sunshine and I’m so happy to hear it. I’m hoping to hit the beach today myself and get a little more of that California glow. No matter where you live, whether you’re a So Cal girl like me or you’re living it up in Minnesota, I hope you get out and enjoy mother nature on your time off. It can be easy to stay inside after a long week of school and work but you’ve got to make the most of your time. Phone a friend and get out there!Here a few Sunny Suggestions for what I recommend on a sunny Sunday:1. Go to the beach: That’s just a given.2. Try a new food spot: Whether it’s a nice restaurant or a little drive, peek your head in and give the food a go. I tried Gladstones this weekend and it was a success (although I won’t deny, it was way too overpriced—can you say $16 for two crab cakes?) I digress. My point—try something new!3. Do an outdoor sport: Go for a hike, play tennis, or beach volleyball. You’ll get a nice tan along with it.4. Have a childhood throwback: Make homemade lemonade or hit up a water park. As kids we knew how to make the most of the weekends—let’s not forget it now as we grow up!5. Take a nap: If you feel like it. I usually do!Make the most of today and all days—but especially this sunny Sunday!Keep shining,The Sunny Girl, Lauren CookPlease follow me on Twitter by clicking here!


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