Spring Cleaning

Hello friends! I can't tell you how good it is to be back! I've had finals, more computer problems than I can say and a busy work schedule. It's officially spring break here and my number one task is to get my very first Mac. I know I'm probably one of the last standing but my Dell has given out after just one year--hence why I haven't been able to blog the past week. My other spring break goal? To read The Hunger Games. All in all, I'm really looking forward to a little R & R (and by that I mean reading and retail)!I hope you're about to get a break if you haven't had one already. We all need some down time every now and then so when your break does come around, here are a few Sunny Suggestions for making the most of it:1. Pick a book you've been dying to read. We finally have time to actually read a novel of our choice this time of year instead of studying up on organic chemistry or the classics. Take an hour or two to just sit and read because you finally have the time to do it. Bubble bath not included but highly recommended.2. Make a change: Whether it's a new haircut, a new outfit, or a new and improved attitude, come back to school feeling better than ever. Give yourself a mini-makeover this week so that you're ready to start up again feeling refreshed. Spring cleaning doesn't just apply to your house.3. Catch up with friends: Set aside some time to check in with your friends from yesteryear. There will be plenty to talk about and hopefully plenty of sunshine while you're at it.4. Tie up odds and ends: You've been meaning to take care of those bills (uh, me?) and make that dentist appointment. This is the perfect time to do it when you're not dealing with class and work schedules. Wipe the slate clean.5. Write it all down: Make your own personal list for everything you'd like to accomplish over the break--relaxing included. Keep yourself on task by making the most of every day you have; otherwise you'll find yourself at Friday all too soon.I hope you have the most splendid week--make it count! Limit Facebook, love on friends, and get a start on that summer glow!Keep shining,The Sunny Girl, Lauren CookPlease follow me on Twitter by clicking here.


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