Lisa Bloom Visits UCLA!

1 in 4 women would rather win America’s Next Top Model than a Nobel Peace Prize. Even more would rather than lose their figure than their ability to read. Lisa Bloom has a problem with it. And she wants you to as well.As women we’re in a paradox. While we’re extremely successful in academics garnering the highest grades and the top spots in the most prestigious schools, we’re always studying celebrities more than our classes. So many of us research tabloids like we’re going to be tested on it. In fact, Lisa Bloom found that most girls could name more Kardashians than the number of countries we’re at war with.Lisa Bloom couldn’t sit still anymore so she decided to speak up. And people listened. As a New York Times bestseller, her book called Think: Straight Talk for Women to Stay Smart in a Dumbed Down World, has garnered national praise. She recently came to UCLA’s Panhellenic Awards to spread the message.I had the opportunity to introduce Lisa, as she is a good friend and inspirational mentor to me. One of our very own, Lisa Bloom is not only a UCLA alum, she also graduated from Yale Law School where she would go on to open her own firm, The Bloom Firm, right here in Los Angeles. After hosting her own show for eight years on Court TV, Lisa has gone on to appear regularly on major networks including CBS, CNN, and HSN among many others as a national legal analyst.In fact, that is how I first met Lisa Bloom while I was interning this past summer at NBC Network News. While she has been interviewed by Oprah Winfrey, Barbara Walters, and Anderson Cooper just to name a few, Lisa just so happened to be doing an interview with Reverend Al Sharpton regarding the Casey Anthony Trial. Immediately inspired by her poise, confidence, and courage, I knew that I had to meet her. It was one of those moments that I couldn’t let slip away.As I am an aspiring author, I introduced myself to Lisa and at that moment she handed me one of the best books that I would ever read--Think. It is expertly researched, interspersed with humor, and serves as the antidote our generation needs to get us out of our celebrity comas.Lisa never settles with her current successes though. She has recently published her second book, Swagger: 10 Urgent Rules for Raising Boys in an Era of Failing Schools which is quickly receiving high praise and recognition. I am so excited to say that I will be spending this summer working with Lisa to promote her newest book which I am so proud to be a part of.Ms. Bloom always celebrates life to the fullest no matter what she pursues. An avid world traveler jumping from South Africa to South America, Lisa has spanned the globe and uses these world experiences to fuel her passion for international war crime tribunals. Lisa doesn’t take these important yet often ignored issues lightly, yet she lives life with a light heart filled with appreciation.It’s so important that as collegiate women we start thinking about what truly matters in this world—issues of genocide, sex trafficking, and global warming just to name a few. It shouldn’t be about what Jennifer Lopez or Cameron Diaz wore last week. Lisa Bloom is here to get us THINKING, and I hope that our generation of collegiate women will start thinking about the issues that can truly make an impact.Keep shining,The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook


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