What Would Julie Andrews Do?

Last night I got a voicemail…it was impeccably rude—there was hardly an ounce of niceness to it. Very uncalled for, too. I almost took Twitter but then I was reminded…what would Julie Andrews do? My favorite actress of all time, with one of the most beautiful voices in history, and an even more beautiful spirit, would take the higher road. She is one of my heroes and I’ve admired her for as long as I can remember.She is one of those people that has a natural grace about it. It’s not forced, it’s not contrived—it’s just…so effervescently there. She is humble, yet confident. Light hearted yet sincere. Thoughtful yet fun (Who could forget Mary Poppins singing “Supercalifragalisticexpialidocious”?)I’ve grown up with Julie Andrews in my heart. My mom and I used to do a tap dance performance to “A Spoonful of Sugar” and when I competed in pageants my talent was, “I Have Confidence” from The Sound of Music. I’ve always loved her and always will. It would be my dream to meet her someday.Who inspires you in your life to be a better person? It doesn’t have to be an actor or a singer—it can be a family member, an athlete, or a teacher. I think it’s important that we constantly look for the best in people and try to apply those qualities to our own lives. Happiness is sure to ensue if we’re living more like our heroes.Keep shining,The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook


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