Letting Go of the Let Downs
I’m back! This has been one of the busiest summers of my life so thank you for being patient with me. I miss writing daily on my blog—but I’m always here in spirit and I plan to get back on track real soon. I’ve been editing my book on a nightly basis (because I’m working the 9-5 shift daily that Dolly Parton sang about), but I’m nearing the finish line with the editing process. It feels great!Enough about me. More about us and how to be happy. Simple enough.By the way, if you want daily Sunny Suggestions and updates, please “like” the new Facebook page. I would greatly appreciate it! Here is the link: http://www.facebook.com/TheSunnyGirlLaurenCookSo, for today’s topic I’m emphasizing PATIENCE. I don’t know about you but this summer has had some very challenging and frustrating moments. There have been times when I’ve felt beyond annoyed and you just want to tell anyone who’ll listen (like my Twitter account?)
But that’s not very ladylike now is it? Whether or not it’s classy (it isn’t), the key here is that it will just delay your happiness further. I always call my Auntie Nette if I’m having a meltdown moment (like I did today) and she reminded me how important it is to keep calm, pray for peace, and find your positivity else where. Redirect your focus. I listened to her advice and indeed she was right—like she always is. It’s often best to just move on instead of melt further into a melt down.I’m not suggesting you ignore the problems in your life but I don’t think you have to stare them down either. The bullies leave you alone once you stop giving them attention. I think the same can apply to problems sometimes—you just need to walk away rather than fester in them. I heard it said recently that we need to let it out and let it go. I love that.So if you get a comment or a look that rubs you the wrong way—don’t hang on to it. Don’t give it the attention it doesn’t deserve. If you want to be happy you’ve got to make a bigger deal of the best moments and make a lesser deal of the letdowns.Keep shining,The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook