The Best Birthday Surprise

b396b10ecfda9cce64f75dc8268daf94Yesterday was my 22nd birthday! I can’t believe it. Normally I’m a little skeptical of birthdays because I feel like there’s pressure to make the day “perfect.” I often love the simple days that have unexpected perfection. But this year was a perfect birthday, even though it was a simple enough. I think when you decide the day will be great, it will be. I went in with a mindset to enjoy the day and accept it no matter how it turned out—and I felt so happy in return.My birthday has been especially wonderful since my 19th birthday. I met my boyfriend on that day. It amazes me how a five minute conversation with someone can turn into a three year relationship. I’m actually flying out to New York tomorrow to go see him! I saw a quote the other day that said, “We all start out as strangers.” It reminds me how we should always be open to meeting new people—you never know how a person can change your life.I love looking back on my life and seeing how chance encounters have become monumental moments. Little did I know at the time. It reminds me how an ordinary day can suddenly become extraordinary as the years go by. May we remember to take in these “plain” days because they have the potential to have a tremendous impact on our happiness.Sure, there is also the chance that these people we meet could hurt us. Some will. We may hurt them—hopefully not intentionally of course. But that shouldn’t hold us back from accepting new relationships with open arms. You have to take that chance to find love and happiness that awaits.I’m so glad that I was aware and in the moment when I met my boyfriend. I remembered him and now he has become one of the most important people in my life. He makes me so incredibly happy and I feel blessed.So on that note, Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! I hope your day is magical.Keep shining,The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook


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