How to Actually Have a Great Summer

I can't wait to see the Chihuly Garden and Glass exhibit!

I can't wait to see the Chihuly Garden and Glass exhibit!

Graduation season has been upon us! I’ve seen a lot of high schoolers around my hometown carrying their shiny yearbooks diligently under the arms—inevitably holding phrases like, “Have a great summer!” or “Good luck in college!” Well wishes like these have been passed down through the years, as I’ve witnessed through my mom’s yearbook: “Have a bitchin’ summer!” The lingo changes but the message stays the same.So, how does one ACTUALLY have a great summer?I was thinking about this last week as I sat browsing over Facebook and Pinterest, wishing for graduate school to start. How ironic. When we’re in school, we wish for summer. When we’re bored at home, we wish for a change then, too. I knew that in September I’d be wishing for this sweet summertime once again so I decided to shake my life up a bit and figure out how I’d truly make this summer a great one. I wanted to share some of my favorites so that this can be a “bitchin’” summer for you as well.

10 Sunny Suggestions for Summer:

1. Take a painting class with friends: This is THE thing to do this summer. These group painting classes are so fun—challenging enough that you focus on the task but easy enough that you can socialize with your group. I’ve done two of these this summer and I can’t wait to do it again. Here’s the Paint Nite website I recommend.

2. Do something creative: We often look at many forms of creativity in a given day—someone makes an inspirational YouTube video, another makes a parody of a Top 40 song. Why can’t you do that as well? This summer I’m collaborating to make a video about happiness. It’s a bit of a daunting challenge but we all need that.

3. Exercise daily: During summer we finally have some free time. Pick up a tennis racket, swim some laps—heck, start running! You’ll be amazed to see the progress you’ll make in a few months. I’m training for a Color Run with my friend, Alexis—you can find one in your local area, too.

4. READ: And by read I don’t mean textbooks. Read books that you’ve had on your shelf for months. Reading can be so relaxing but I believe peaceful reading is an art that takes practice. If reading feels like the last thing you want to do, try reading 20 minutes every day and see what happens. Lately I’m loving this Goodreads website to see what my friends are reading as well.

5. Plan an adventure: I’m going to Seattle for the first time this summer to celebrate my four-year anniversary with my boyfriend. I’m loving learning about the restaurants, history and sights of the Emerald City. Your trip doesn’t have to be elaborate—just a weekend getaway is enough to pique your interest. TripAdvisor is my favorite way to plan.

6. Try new eateries: I love eating my way through LA. Last weekend I tried The Pie Hole (yes, that’s the name of the sweet shop) and Wurstkuche (a bratwurst joint)—both were amazing. Go outside of your comfort zone and try something new to spark your interest.

7. Take a new class: I love websites like CourseHorse that introduce you to so many possibilities. For me, I NEED to learn how to cook. I’ve burned one too many Betty Crocker recipes (and that’s the box cake mix we’re talking about). Grab a friend and stir away.

8. Dance: I’m all about zumba this summer. A lot of us think dancing is either for four year olds wearing tutus or going to “da club” in mini skirts. Not the case. It’s never too late to go to a lyrical class or play around with tap dancing. We all need to get over ourselves and just have fun.

9. Get some sun: I’m not one to endorse laying out to the point of looking like an over-baked potato chip but I do think a little Vitamin D does the body good.

10. Write: whether you’re journaling, blogging or working on a book, writing is so therapeutic for our souls. I’m trying to write more this summer…in fact, I’m starting my next book! A lot of us worry about judgment when it comes to writing. But a hard-learned lesson I’ve picked up along the way? Write for yourself.Here’s to that great summer we’ve all been talking about!


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