Hard Candy Christmas

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How are the holidays here again? It feels like we blink and suddenly we’re in the final month of 2018. And while some of us may be singing along to “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year,” others may be singing Dolly Parton’s “Hard Candy Christmas.” (Which is one of my recent personal favorites, by the way).

This brings up the fact that for some, the holidays are the happiest time. It’s a time of nostalgia, decorating, and family gathered together. For other people, it may bring up past or current pains that may feel exacerbated by this time of year. I thought it might be helpful to share some of the ways to pick yourself up when the holidays might have you feeling a little down:

  1. Set boundaries: We can all benefit from some limit setting. Even though you may be invited to a few or several holiday gatherings, you are not obligated to attend them. If you feel like certain people will induce your suffering, you can protect yourself and politely decline.

  2. But treat yourself: Honor yourself this season. Need a night in or a night out? Check in with your body—maybe it’s a time to catch up on sleep, eat some chocolate from the advent calendar, or yes, even watch a Hallmark movie (or ten).

  3. Remember what you’re grateful for: Just because Thanksgiving is over, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t still practice gratitude. In my opinion, it’s a daily practice rather than a once-a-year obligation. So what are the moments each day that bring you a pause for peace, an opportunity to smile, or a chance to laugh? Take note of these things rather than letting them pass you by.

  4. Choose time for those that you love: This time of year has me carving out quality time for my loved ones. I’m calling friends that I haven’t talked to in months, taking afternoons to just “hang out” and giving myself permission to be unproductive. Who do you need to get in touch with this holiday season?

  5. Don’t wish this time away: Even if you may feel in pain, know that you are growing through the experience. Personally, I think even the challenges in our life allow us opportunities for learning and growth.

So here’s wishing you and yours if not a happy, a meaningful, holiday season. I hope you get the time that you need to reconnect, heal, and spend time with the ones you love.Keep shining,


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