Three Ways Remote Workers Can Live an Active Lifestyle

Thanks to enforced remote working during the years of the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies are now more open to offering this setup to their workers on a regular basis. While working wherever you like offers unparalleled flexibility, it also presents unique challenges, particularly when it comes to maintaining an active lifestyle. Without the built-in movement of a daily commute or walking around the office, it's easy to become sedentary.

But with a bit of creativity and planning, remote workers can integrate physical activity into their daily routines, wherever they are in the world. Here are three effective strategies to help you stay active while working remotely.

1. Establish a pre-work routine

One of the most effective ways to ensure you remain active is to incorporate exercise into your daily schedule. Research shows that habits are a powerful tool for creating change, with almost 40% of our actions each day coming from routine rather than active decisions.

When you were in the office, you may have been able to visit the gym en route, but this is much harder when you work from home. If you’re struggling to get active in the mornings, try faking your commute. Instead of staying in bed for an extra half an hour, make the effort to get up as if you were going to the office, but take a walk around the block instead. You can even listen to a podcast to help you wake up and get into the right mindset.

Or, if you’ve got even more vitality, schedule in a morning workout a few times per week. Begin your day with a burst of energy by dedicating 20-30 minutes to exercise. Whether it's yoga, a quick jog, or an online workout session, morning exercise can set a positive tone for the rest of the day and help you maintain your health.

2. Incorporate movement into your workday

Sedentary behavior can be detrimental to your health, so it's crucial to integrate movement throughout your workday. Create a movement-friendly workspace by investing in a standing or convertible desk that allows you to switch between sitting and standing, or even splash out on a desk treadmill. Even without equipment, there are some simple exercises you can do at your desk, such as seated leg raises, shoulder shrugs, and neck stretches.

If you’re struggling to make time for movement, try the Pomodoro method of working, where you work for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break. Use these breaks to stand up, stretch, or do a quick lap around your home or working space.

3. Get outdoors

One of the huge benefits of working remotely is not being chained to an office desk all day, so make sure to take advantage of it. Spending time outdoors not only boosts physical health but also enhances mental well-being, helping reduce stress and improve mood.

Why not explore local parks, trails, or your neighborhood on foot? Walking is an excellent low-impact exercise that also allows you to enjoy fresh air and nature at your own pace. Or, if you have a bike, cycling is a fantastic way to explore your surroundings while getting a good cardiovascular workout. Whatever you choose, you’re sure to return to your desk feeling refreshed.

Get moving, get motivated

Living an active lifestyle while working remotely may require some adjustments, but it's certainly achievable. Remember, consistency is key. Small, regular efforts will lead to significant benefits over time. So, lace up those sneakers, take a deep breath, and get moving.


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