The Sunny Set: #209

                                                                                                           What would you do if you “lived like you were dying?” Would you see the pyramids, write a novel, or do the classic notion of skydiving? No matter what you pursued, chances are, you’d be a happier person for attempting those goals. In fact, achieving the goal isn’t even the ultimate source of happiness. It’s the journey, according to the Healthy Exchange from Dartmouth College.
I recently posted my “Sunny Set” which you can see here: This list is never ending and while many of the goals are maybe a little ambitious (like seeing the Titanic or being Time Magazine’s Person of the Year), it is extremely satisfying to identify my deepest dreams.
Dreams are frightening. They take dedication, humility, and hard work. But reality is not frightening; it is enlightening. Yet we have to experience our goals as dreams before we can experience them as reality.
Each week I will be focusing on one of my goals. This week I am working on:
 #209: Have article published for a magazine.
I will let you know my progress by the end of the week. I plan on writing to magazines like Seventeen, Self, Health, and many more in hopes of sharing The Sunny Side Up!
What goal will you work on this week?

You Had Me at Meow


The Happy Bug