Week 2: My Sunny Side

Question of the week: What rules do you live by?

I like having structure in my life. As cold as the word "structure" may sound, I think having such structure has helped me be a happier person. I write down a daily do-list, keep a calendar and planner, and as you have seen, I write my 5 Daily Gratitudes on a regular basis. Having this "structure" in my life has helped me define my goals more clearly and it has helped me accomplish more by using my time more effectively. I believe that I am more aware of the daily joys of life because I take the time to write it all down. I recommend writing down your tasks, goals, and gratitudes every day and see how this "structure" can indeed make you a happier person.With this idea of structure, I have written my general rules to live by. These rules challenge me to be a better person and to fulfill my full potential.

The Sunny Girl's Rules to Live By:

1. Carpe Diem- Seize the Day!2. Be the change I wish to see in the world.3. Don't judge anyone; everyone has a story.4. Live in the moment; don't wish my life away.5. Smile as much as possible; a smile is contagious.6. Face fear rather than run away from it.7. It only takes one yes.8. Love selflessly and unconditionally.9. Don't take everything personally.10. Take the time to be happy.11. Check on at least one friend every day.12. Listen to my head and my heart.13. Push myself outside of my comfort zone. Be uncomfortable.14. Enjoy the peace of solitude. Enjoy the laughter of friendship.15. I must love myself before I can truly love others.16. Be honest with myself and others. Say what I mean.17. Be grateful for every one of life's blessings. Look around.18. If you never try, it will never happen.19. Be kind to everyone and find something to love in everyone.20. Be the first to reach out to others. Don't expect them to come to you.21. Take a chance.22. Do things out of love and joy; never for a reward or recognition.23. Laugh more, give more, and love more.24. Don't let others make my decisions for me.25. Say yes to new opportunities; say no to new temptations.

What rules do you live by?


The Sunny Set: #130


Weather Report: Week 1