Weather Report: Week 2

I can't believe the second week of the Sunny Side Up! is almost complete! This has been another busy week for me and it has been challenging yet fulfilling as I work on this project . I already feel like this study has changed my life and how I view the world. Most importantly, I have learned that everyone has a story that makes them who they are; I have been lucky enough over the past few weeks to read some of these stories.  It has been so enlightening to have my peers share their happiness with me and I have been so pleased by the positive responses from so many people. So what happened this week at The Sunny Side Up?
  • Contacted over 850 students and interviewed over 200 regarding what happiness means to them
  • Met with Greg Woodburn and learned about his project, Give Running (you can read his story here:
  • Got an A on my chemistry exam and celebrated my "Big Sis" Kelly's 20th birthday!

I'd like to especially thank all of my peers this week for being so helpful with my research on happiness. I have laughed, cried, and smiled throughout the entire process of reading your stories and I'm so grateful for your input.Next week at The Sunny Side Up:

  • I will be completing the interview process and documenting all of the responses. This has been a time consuming process but it is most definitely worth the while!
  • I will be reading Happy at Last by Richard O'Connor; I invite you to join along!
  • I will be preparing to give my first speech at Toastmasters. This speech is called the "Icebreaker" and I will be sharing "my life story"

I hope that you have had a very sunny week filled with gratitude, joy, and great experiences. And if this hasn't been the sunniest week of your life, I hope you have been able to find a silver lining amongst the clouds. May we take pride in our lives, realize the power of our dreams, and celebrate happiness today and everyday!What made you happy this week?


My Sunny Side: The Perfect Day


Book of the Week: A Game Plan for Life