My Sunny Side: The Perfect Day

Question of the week: What is your perfect day?
My immediate response to this question would be a day at Disneyland or vacationing in the Caribbean. But both of these days are few and far between and I try to make my "normal" days as enjoyable as possible. My perfect day happens quite often, or at least parts of it, which keeps me happy on a regular basis. I have found that any day spent with loved ones, laughter, and time for myself is a great one. Just as my dad says every morning, "It's gonna be a great day!"My perfect day begins with a pancake breakfast- with peanut butter on top. Afterward, my mom and I will play tennis where after a never-ending game of deuces, I inevitably win. Then I will have lunch with my Grandma Joan which is always filled with advice, giggling, and a hint of sarcasm that only my grandma can provide. Next I will bake cookies with my best friend, Lauren, where we (or actually, I) will probably put in too much butter and we'll have to start all over again. After that I will take a quick nap with my Kiko under the covers (yes, he does sleep under the covers and rest his head on the pillow just like a person). And then to end the day, I would go out to dinner with my family to either a favorite place, like Ferraro's, or somewhere new; no matter where we go I WILL get dessert! To reflect on my day, I will write in my journal and read for a bit while taking a hot bath. Of course I will end with my 5 daily gratitudes; there are so many things to be thankful for.  I feel so blessed to be surrounded by people that love me unconditionally and who are willing to share their time, wisdom, and company with me.What is your perfect day?

Three Flavors of Happy


Weather Report: Week 2