Weather Report: Week 3

I have to say that I have been exceptionally happy this week. The secret? My friends and family. Not only did I get kidnapped by my friends to take me out for ice cream sundaes, I also got to sit poolside with my friend, Hannah, and go shopping with my best friend, Lauren. Furthermore, it was so nice getting to talk and laugh with my family this week. We went out to dinner a lot (Thai, Japanese, and BBQ- whew!) but sharing food and good conservation is one of my favorite activities. I was reminded this week of how important it is to cherish those that you love and how doing so can bring so much joy to your life.
Also, I’m so excited to say that I was able to accomplish goal #104 on the Sunny Set this week! I went to the shooting range with my dad yesterday and I had the best time. Although I was very nervous to pull the trigger for the first time, it was exhilarating and empowering to stand my ground. I even hit close to a bulls eye! And even better, I got to hold a pink revolver! But best of all was having the opportunity to spend some special time with my dad and have him teach me something new.
So what happened this week at The Sunny Side Up?
  • I was interviewed by Toni Reece for the Get Inspired! Project. Our conversation should be posted online soon. I really enjoyed getting to share with her and I recommend you check out her website to get inspired today at:
  • I met with my Toastmaster mentor, Kathy Wertheim, regarding my first Toastmaster’s Speech and she gave me some great advice about traveling as a motivational speaker.
  • I went shopping with my best friend, Lauren, as we prepare for the Sunny Girl photo shoot. Get ready for some yellow!
I’d especially like to thank Ben White this week for starring as our Sunny Star this week. I’d also like to thank the “cupcake fairy” for delivering a delicious cupcake (cream cheese frosting and all!) on my doorstep. Pleasant surprises are the sun beams of life!
Next week at The Sunny Side Up:
  • Our book of the week is Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. It is a true story memoir of a woman venturing to Italy, Indonesia, and India to rediscover herself; I must say that the writing is brilliant. Julia Roberts is starring in the movie coming out soon- I suggest you read it before it hits theaters!
  • I will be giving my first speech in Toastmaster’s on Monday. I will be wearing yellow because I’ve decided that as the Sunny Girl, it is only fitting that I wear something yellow each time I speak! I really hope that I do well as I introduce myself to the club and speak for the first time at the club.
  • I will continue collecting interviews from my peers- this has been one of my favorite parts of the writing process and I really appreciate so many teens sharing their opinions, thoughts, and experiences with me.
I hope you had a sunny week and that this next week is even sunnier!
Keep shining,
The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook

My Sunny Side: The Joy of Friendship


Book of the Week: Happy at Last