My Sunny Side: The Joy of Friendship

After spending a week surrounded by my friends, I can safely say that my friends add so much joy to my life. We are all in life transitions right now; many of us have spent our first year away at college and some of us are getting ready to leave for the first time. But no matter what state we venture to or what animal we take allegiance to (Go Bruins!), we will still be friends. I am reminded of this quote:
"The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart."  ~Elisabeth Foley
I have truly discovered that this summer as I came home from college for the first time. My friends and I still have just as much to talk about and laugh about- whether it be our families, our college lives, or our relationships (there’s always plenty to talk about there!) even though we’ve spent a year apart.
It is my hope that I can offer meaningful friendships with those that I am close with. It is so important to me that my friends know they are loved. I think it is crucial that we celebrate each other and tell our friends how much they mean to us. 
So to my friends: Thank you so much for being apart of my life and for sharing your life with me. You have brought so many smiles, giggles, and happy memories and I hope that I can be a source of happiness for you. You are amazing and I’m so lucky to call you my friend!
I invite you to send this message or a personalized message to a special friend today to let them know how special they are to you!

Keep shining,The Sunny Girl, Lauren Cook


The Sunny Set: #133


Weather Report: Week 3